Click here to download my C.V. or check out my Orcid and Google Scholar pages (which have not been updated in years). Or if you are only here to check out coral reef photos, go here.


(87) Mayfield AB, Dempsey AC, Purkis S (in prep.) Global drivers of coral reef resilience.

(86) Wainwright B, Mayfield AB, Dempsey AC, Huang D (in prep.) Microbial communities of corals from a near-pristine region of the Indian Ocean.

(85) Tang PC, Um S, Mayfield AB, Bracho OR, del Castillo C, Dykxhoorn D, Dinh C, Liu X (under review). Investigation into NF2-mediated Schwann cell proliferation using the hiPSC-10-derived Schwann cell system.

(84) Mayfield AB, Dempsey AC (under review) Machine-learning algorithms for identifying climate-resilient corals in the Republic of Palau. Diversity

(83) Meng PJ, Hsieh HY, Mayfield AB, Chang CM, Chen CC (under review) The impact of coral reef ecosystems and upwelling on the marine carbon dynamics of Southern Taiwan. Ocean Science

(82)  Mayfield AB, Gates RD, Fan TY, Putnam HM (under review) Physiological and molecular responses to ocean acidification in a model marine symbiosis. Marine Biology

(81) Mayfield AB (in press) The statistical analysis of ‘Omics datasets: challenges, pitfalls, and tips. Invited book chapter in Lipid Analysis in Biology, Health and Disease (Elsevier). Bhattacharya S (ed.).

(80) Awaluddin K, Mayfield AB, Tew KS, Liu PJ (2025) Seagrass influence on mitigating ocean acidification and warming impacts on tropical calcifying macroalgae. Marine Environmental Research 205, 106976. PDF

(79) Mayfield AB, Dempsey AC (2024) AI-driven coral reef bioprospecting in the Republic of Palau. Platax 21, 1-30. PDF

(78) Pears RJ, Devlin M, Hammerman N, Mayfield AB, et al. (2024) CORDAP R&D Technology Roadmap on Managing the Ecological Risks of Coral Reef Interventions.

(77) Reimer JD, Peixoto RS, Davies SW, Traylor-Knowles N, Short ML, Cabral-Tena RA; Burt JA, Pessoa I, Banaszak AT; Winters RS, Moore T, Schoepf V, Kaullysing D; Calderon-Aguilera LE, Wörheide G, Harding S, Munbodhe Vm Mayfield AB, Ainsworth T, Vardi T, Eakin CM, Voolstra CR (2024) The Fourth Global Coral Bleaching Event–where do we go from here? Coral Reefs 43, 1121-1125.

(76) Fan TY, Huang YL, Mayfield AB (2024) Effects of light level and food regime on the growth of a model coral. Oceans 5(2), 150-165. PDF

(75) Mayfield AB (2023) Establishment of a biorepository for reef corals sampled across the globe: a tool for the marine biology research community. Platax 20, 7-30. PDF

(74) Morris J, Enochs IC, Studivan M, Young B, Mayfield AB, Soderberg N, Traylor-Knowles N, Kolodziej G, Manzello D (2023) Ocean acidification influences the gene expression and physiology of two Caribbean bioeroding sponges. Frontiers in Marine Biology 10, 1223380.

(73) Ye ZM, Mayfield AB,* Fan TY (2023) Variable responses to marine heatwaves in five fringing reefs of Southern Taiwan. Applied Sciences 13, 554. *co-corresponding author. PDF

(72) He T, Tsui MMP, Mayfield AB, Liu PJ, Chen TH, Wang LH, Fan TY, Lam PKS, Murphy MB (2023) Organic ultraviolet filter mixture promotes bleaching of reef corals upon the threat of elevated seawater temperature. Science of the Total Environment 876, 162744. PDF

(71) Mayfield AB, Lin C (2023) Field-testing a proteomics-derived machine-learning model for predicting coral bleaching susceptibility. Applied Sciences 13, 1718. PDF

(70) Mayfield AB (2023) Multi-macromolecular extraction from endosymbiotic anthozoans. Invited book chapter, Lipidomics (Elsevier), Bhattacharya S (ed.) PDF

(69) Mayfield AB, Dempsey AC, Chen CS, Lin C (2022) Expediting the search for climate-resilient reef corals in the Coral Triangle with artificial intelligence. Applied Sciences 12, 12955.

(68) Mayfield AB, Lin C (2022) Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to identify resilient reef coral genotype for cryopreservation. Platax 19, 43-57.

(67) Mayfield AB, Dempsey AC, Chen CS (2022) Predicting the abundance of corals from simple environmental predictors with a machine-learning approach. Platax 19, 1-24.

(66) Liu PJ, Chang HF, Mayfield AB, Lin HJ (2022) Assessing the effects of ocean warming and acidification on the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10, 714. download

(65) Demerlis A, Kirkland A, Kaufman M, Mayfield AB, Formel N, Manzello DP, Lirman D, Traylor-Knowles N, Enochs IC (2022) Pre-exposure to a variable temperature treatment improves the response of Acropora cervicornis to acute thermal stress. Coral Reefs 41, 435-445. download

(64) Martinez-Castillo V, Rodriguez-Troncoso AP, Mayfield AB, Rodriguez-Zaragoza FA, Cupul-Magana AL (2022) Coral recovery in the Central Mexican Pacific 20 years after the 1997–1998 El Niño Event. Oceans 3(1), 48-59. download

(63) Chen CC, Hsieh HY, Mayfield AB, Chang CM, Wang JT, Meng PJ (2022) The key impact of water quality on coral reefs of Kenting National Park. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10(2), 270. download

(62) Mayfield AB, Dempsey AC (2022) Environmentally-driven variation in a New Caledonian reef coral. Oceans 3(1), 15-29. download

(61) Mayfield AB (2022) Machine learning-based proteomic predictive modeling with thermally challenged Caribbean reef corals. Diversity 14, 33. download

(60) Mayfield AB, Dempsey AC, Chen CS (2021) Assessing coral health in the Kingdom of Tonga using a coral health index. Platax 18, 53-78.

(59) McRae C, Mayfield AB, Huang WB, Cote IM, Fan TY (2021) Differing proteomic responses to high-temperature exposure between adult and larval reef corals. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 716124.

(58) Rubin E, Enochs I, Kolodziej G, Foord C, Mayfield AB (2021) Molecular mechanisms of coral persistence within highly urbanized locations in the Port of Miami, Florida Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 695236. download

(57) Mayfield AB, Aguilar C, Enochs I, Manzello DP (2021) Shotgun proteomic analysis of thermally challenged Caribbean corals. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 660153.

(56) Tew KS, Kuo J, Cheng JO, Ko FC, Meng PJ, Mayfield AB, Liu PJ (2021) Impacts of seagrass on benthic microalgae and phytoplankton communities in a coral reef ecosystem under experimental warming- a mesocosm study. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 679683.

(55) Grottoli A, Mayfield AB, RCN Bleaching Group (2021) Increasing comparability among coral bleaching experiments. Ecological Applications 31(4), e02262. download

(54) Mayfield AB (2020) Exploiting the power of multivariate statistics for probing the cellular biology of environmentally challenged reef corals. Platax 17, 27-52.

(53) Mayfield AB, Chen CS (2020) A coral transcriptome in the Anthropocene as an “alternative stable state.” Platax 17, 1-26.

(52) Chang TC, Mayfield AB, Fan TY (2020) Culture systems influence the effects of light intensity and flow velocity on the physiological performance of the soft coral Sarcophyton glaucum. Scientific Reports 10, 20200.

(51) Huang YL, Mayfield AB, Fan TY (2020) Effects of feeding on the physiological performance of the stony coral Pocillopora acuta. Scientific Reports 10, 19988.

(50) Peng SE, Moret A, Chang C, Mayfield AB, Giordano M, Chen CS (2020) The Exaiptasia-Symbiodiniaceae mutualism shifts towards a parasitic relationship under food-deprived conditions. PeerJ e9745. download

(49) Cruz-García R, Rodríguez-Troncoso AP, Rodríguez-Zaragoza FA, Cupul-Magaña AL, Mayfield AB (2020) Ephemeral effects of El Niño southern oscillation events on an eastern tropical Pacific coral community. Marine and Freshwater Research 71(10) 1259-1268.

(48) Mayfield AB (2020) Proteomic profiles of corals from thermodynamic reefs. Microorganisms 8(8), 1171.

(47) Enochs IC, Formel N, Manzello DP, Morris J, Mayfield AB, Boyd A, Kolodziej G, Adams G (2020) Coral persistence despite extreme periodic pH fluctuations at a volcanically acidified Caribbean reef. Coral Reefs 39, 523-528.

(46) Monteiro HJA, Brahmi C, Lapeyre B, Mayfield AB, Le Luyer J (2020) Molecular mechanisms of acclimation to long-term elevated temperature exposure in marine symbioses. Global Change Biology 26, 1271-1284. download

(45) Liu PJ, Chang HF, Mayfield AB, Lin HJ (2020) Influence of the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii on coral reef mesocosms exposed to ocean acidification and experimentally elevated temperatures. Science of the Total Environment 700, 134464.

(44) Mayfield AB, Chen CS (2019) Enabling coral reef triage through molecular biotechnology and artificial intelligence. Platax 16, 23-47.

(43) Chen TY, Hwang GW, Lin HJ, Mayfield AB, Chen CP (2019) The development of a habitat suitability model for sub-tropical tidal flat fiddler crabs. Ocean and Coastal Management 182, 104931.

(42) Lin C, Mayfield AB (2019) Physiological differences between cultured and wild coral eggs. Biopreservation and Biobanking 17, 370-371.

(41) Mayfield AB, Tsai S, Lin C (2019) The Coral Hospital. Biopreservation and Biobanking 17, 355-369.

(40) Mayfield AB, Dempsey AC, Chen CS (2019) Modeling environmentally-mediated variation in reef coral physiology. Journal of Sea Research 145, 44-54. download

(39) Rodríguez-Troncoso AP, Rodríguez-Zaragoza FA, Mayfield AB, Cupul-Magaña AL (2019) Temporal variation in invertebrate recruitment on an Eastern Pacific coral reef. Journal of Sea Research 145, 8-15. download

(38) Mayfield AB, Dempsey AC, Inamdar J, Chen CS (2018) A statistical platform for evaluating coral health in an era of changing global climate-I: a case study from Fiji’s Lau Archipelago. Platax 15, 1-35. download

(37) Lin HJ, Lee CL, Peng SE, Hung MC, Liu PJ, Mayfield AB (2018) Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment may exacerbate the impacts of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events on intertidal seagrass beds. Global Change Biology 24, 4566-4580. download

(36) Mayfield AB, Chen YJ, Lu CY, Chen CS (2018) Exploring the environmental physiology of the reef coral Seriatopora hystrix using differential proteomics. The Open Journal of Marine Science 8, 223-252. download

(35) Mayfield AB, Chen YJ, Lu CY, Chen CS (2018) The proteomic response of the reef coral Pocillopora acuta to experimentally elevated temperature. PLoS ONE e0192001. download

(34) Mayfield AB, Dempsey AC, Chen CS (2017) The molecular ecophysiology of closely related pocilloporid corals of New Caledonia. Platax 14, 1-45. download

(33) Mayfield AB, Chen CS, Dempsey AC (2017) Biomarker profiling in reef corals of Tonga's Ha'apai and Vava'u Archipelagos. PLoS ONE. e0185857. download. To download the images associated with this manuscript (habitat shots and sampled coral colonies), please go here.

(32) Chen HK, Mayfield AB, Wang LH, Chen CS (2017) Coral lipid bodies as the relay center interconnecting diel-dependent lipidomic changes in different cellular compartments. Scientific Reports 7, 3244. download

(31) Mayfield AB, Chen CS, Dempsey AC (2017) Identifying corals displaying statistically aberrant behavior in Fiji’s Lau Archipelago. PLoS ONE e0177267. download

(30) Chen TY, Mayfield AB, Hwang GW, Lin HJ, Chen CP (2017) The relationship between intertidal soil composition and fiddler crab burrow depth. Environmental Engineering 100, 256-260. download

(29) Mayfield AB, Chen CS, Dempsey AC, Bruckner AW (2016) The molecular ecophysiology of closely related pocilloporids from the South Pacific: a case study from the Austral and Cook Islands. Platax 13, 1-25. download

(28) Mayfield AB, Wang YB, Chen CS, Chen SH, Lin CY (2016) Dual-compartmental transcriptomic+proteomic analysis of a marine endosymbiosis exposed to environmental change. Molecular Ecology 25, 5944-5958. download

(27) Cheng YR, Meng PJ, Mayfield AB, Dai CF (2016) Copepods associated with scleractinian corals: a worldwide checklist and a case study of their impact on the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pocilloporidae) Zootaxa 4174(1): 291-345 download

(26) Tortolero-Langarica JJA, Cupul-Magaña AL, Carricart-Ganivet JP, Mayfield AB, Rodriguez-Troncoso AP (2016). Changes in growth and calcification rates in the reef-building coral Porites lobata: the implications of morphotype and gender on coral growth. Frontiers in Marine Science 3(179) download

(25) Mayfield AB (2016) Uncovering spatio-temporal and treatment-derived differences in the molecular physiology of a model coral-dinoflagellate mutualism with multivariate  statistical approaches. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 4:63 download

(24) Chen WNU, Hsiao YJ, Mayfield AB, Young R, Hsu L, Chen CS, Peng SE (2016) Vertical transmission of heterologous clade C Symbiodinium in a model anemone infection system. Peer J 4: e2358. download

(23) Mayfield AB, Chen YJ, Lu CY, Chen CS (2016) Proteins responsive to variable temperature exposure in the reef-building coral Seriatopora hystrix. Coral Reefs: Ecosystems, Environmental Impact and Current Threats. Ed. S. Ortiz, NOVA Publishing, New York. download

(22) Mayfield AB, Bruckner AW, Chen CH, Chen CS (2015) A survey of pocilloporids and their endosymbiotic dinoflagellate communities in the Austral and Cook Islands of the South Pacific. Platax 12: 1-17. download

(21) Chen HK, Song SN, Wang LH, Mayfield AB, Chen YJ, Chen WNU, Chen CS (2015) A compartmental comparison of major lipid species in a coral-Symbiodinium endosymbiosis: evidence that the coral host regulates lipogenesis of its cytosolic lipid bodies. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0132519. download

(20) Mayfield AB, Wang YB, Chen CS, Chen SH, Lin CY (2014) Compartment-specific transcriptomics in a reef-building coral exposed to elevated temperatures. Molecular Ecology 23: 5816-5830. download

(19) Mayfield AB, Chen CS, Liu PJ (2014) Decreased green fluorescent protein-like chromoprotein gene expression in specimens of the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis undergoing high temperature-induced bleaching. Platax 11: 1-23. download

(18) Mayfield AB, Chen YH, Dai CF, Chen CS (2014) The effects of temperature on gene expression in the Indo-Pacific reef-building coral Seriatopora hystrix: insight from aquarium studies in Southern Taiwan. International Journal of Marine Science 4(50): 1-23. download

(17) Mayfield AB, Hsiao YY, Chen HK, Chen CS (2014) Rubisco expression in the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium sp. is influenced by both photoperiod and endosymbiotic lifestyle. Marine Biotechnology 16: 371-384. download

(16) Doo SS, Mayfield AB, Nguyen HD, Chen HK (2014) Protein analysis in large benthic foraminifera. Invited book chapter in: Approaches to Study Living Foraminifera. Editors: Hiroshi Kitazato and Joan Bernhard. Pp. 71-89 download

(15) Mayfield AB, Fan TY, Chen CS (2013) Real-time PCR-based gene expression analysis in the model reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis: insight from a salinity stress study. Platax 10: 1-29 download

(14) Mayfield AB, Fan TY, Chen CS (2013) Physiological acclimation to elevated temperature in a reef-building coral from an upwelling environment. Coral Reefs 32: 909-921 download

(13) Mayfield AB, Fan TY, Chen CS (2013) The physiological impact of ex situ transplantation on the Taiwanese reef-building coral Seriatopora hystrix. Journal of Marine Biology Article ID 569369 download

(12) Wang LH, Lee HH, Fang LS, Mayfield AB, Chen CS (2013) Normal fatty acid and phospholipid synthesis are prerequisites for the cell cycle of Symbiodinium and their endosymbiosis with sea anemones. PLoS ONE e72486 download

(11) Putnam HP, Mayfield AB, Fan TY, Chen CS, Gates RD (2013) The physiological and molecular responses of larvae from the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis exposed to near-future increases in temperature and pCO2. Marine Biology 160: 2157-2173. download

(10) Mayfield AB, Chen M, Meng PJ, Lin HJ, Chen CS, Liu PJ (2013) The physiological response of the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis to elevated temperature: results from coral reef mesocosm experiments in Southern Taiwan. Marine Environmental Research 86: 1-11 download

(9) Mayfield AB, Hsiao, YY, Fan TY, Chen CS (2012) Temporal variation in RNA/DNA and protein/DNA ratios in four anthozoan-dinoflagellate endosymbioses of the Indo-Pacific: implications for molecular diagnostics. Platax 9: 1-24 download

(8) Mayfield AB, Chan PH, Putnam HP, Chen CS, Fan TY (2012) The effects of a variable temperature regime on the physiology of the reef-building coral Seriatopora hystrix: results from a laboratory-based reciprocal transplant. The Journal of Experimental Biology 215: 4183-4195 download

(7) Doo SS, Mayfield AB, Byrne M, Chen HK, Nguyen H, Fan TY (2012) Reduced expression of the rate-limiting carbon fixation enzyme RuBisCO in the benthic foraminifer Baculogypsina sphaerulata holobiont in response to heat shock. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 430-431: 63-67 download

(6) Chen WNU, Kang HJ, Weis VM, Mayfield AB, Fang LS Chen CS (2012) Diel rhythmicity of lipid body formation in a coral-Symbiodinium endosymbiosis. Coral Reefs 31: 521-534 download

(5) Mayfield AB, Wang LH, Tang PC, Hsiao YY, Fan TY, Tsai CL, Chen CS (2011) Assessing the impacts of experimentally elevated temperature on the biological composition and molecular chaperone gene expression of a reef coral. PLoS ONE e26529 download

(4) Peng SE, Chen WNU, Chen HK, Lu CY, Mayfield AB, Fang LS, Chen CS (2011) Lipid bodies in coral-dinoflagellate endosymbiosis: ultrastructural and proteomic analyses. Proteomics 17: 3540-3455 download

(3) Mayfield AB, Hsiao YY, Fan TY, Chen CS, Gates RD (2010) Evaluating the temporal stability of stress-activated protein kinase and cytoskeleton gene expression in the Pacific corals Pocillopora damicornis and Seriatopora hystrix. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 395: 215-222 download

(2) Mayfield AB, Hirst MB, Gates RD (2009) Gene expression normalization in a dual-compartment system: a real-time PCR protocol for symbiotic anthozoans. Molecular Ecology Resources 9: 462-470 download

(1) Mayfield AB, Gates RD (2007) Osmoregulation in anthozoan-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology 147: 1-1 download

Popular science articles & conference proceedings

(12) Mayfield AB (2023) International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) 2023 treasurer’s report.

(11) Towle EK, Benson A, Biddle M, Bingo SRD, Brucker K, Canonico G, Chory M, Desai K, Edmondson M, Figuerola M, Horstmann CL, Jackson S, Koss J, Landrum J, Lohr KE, Lorenzoni L, Mayfield AB, Melzian BD, Muller-Karger F, O’Connor S, Santavy DL, Storlazzi C, Toline CA, Torres Perez JL, Yates KK (2022) Interagency Ocean Observation Committee (IOOC) Biology- integrating core to essential variables (Bio-ICE) task team report for hard corals.

(10) Mayfield AB (2022) Corals in the Anthropocene. Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation.

(9) Mayfield AB (2021) Characterizing coral health in the Anthropocene: a reef in the “new normal.” Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory Keynotes.

(8) Knowlton N, Grottoli A, Kleypas J, Obura D, Corcoran E, de Goeij J, Felis T, Harding S, Mayfield AB, Miller M, Osuka K, Peixoto R, Randall CJ, Voolstra CR, Wells S, Wild C, Ferse S (2021) Rebuilding coral reefs: a decadal grand challenge. International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) and Future Earth Coasts-ICRS Science to Policy Paper 2021. 56 pp.

(7) Mayfield AB (2021) What makes heat-tolerant corals tick? CIMAS Blog (University of Miami).

(6) Mayfield AB (2021) From documenting coral reef decline to forecasting coral resilience. CIMAS Blog (University of Miami).

(5) Mayfield AB (2020) Feed your corals. Opinion piece in Reef Encounter (ICRS publication) 35: 20-24.

(4) Mayfield AB (2019) Advancing reef coral diagnostic capabilities using molecular biotechnology and artificial intelligence. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 339.

(3) Eberle M, Mayfield AB (2019) Big data and the race to save coral reefs. JMP® (Cary, NC).

(2) Mayfield AB (2018) Are reef corals stressed or just pessimistic? The Conservation (Jakarta, Indonesia).

(1) Mayfield AB (2012) Understanding the effects of global climate change on Earth’s coral reefs: cutting-edge research at Taiwan’s National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium. 全球氣候變遷對珊瑚礁的影響 (in Chinese) Scientific Monthly, Taipei, Taiwan.