Pelotas Atoll-one of the most beautiful reefs I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot of them!). Two reef sites were surveyed on Nov. 6, 2013, and another two were surveyed on Nov. 24, 2013 (NCPE75-76; not plotted on map).
Better-quality, edited images of the reefs of Pelotas Atoll can be found here.
NCPE25 (Nov. 6, 2013)

NCPE25-round 2 (Nov. 6, 2013)

NCPE26 (Nov. 6, 2013)

NCPE26 sampled colonies (n=3)

NCPE75 (Nov. 24, 2013)-no colonies sampled

NCPE76 (Nov. 24, 2013)-no colonies sampled