Ha'apai-one of my favorite archipelagos in the world. Eleven days (Sept. 11-21) were spent surveying the reefs of this remote, scarcely populated region. If you would like the photos in a more convenient format, such as an iPhoto library, please email me (andersonblairmayfield@gmail.com), and I will post it on Google Drive (SquareSpace does not permit files larger than 20 MB).
TOHA01 (Sept. 11, 2013)

TOHA01 sampled colonies (n=6). There was no photo of colony 4 (Pocillopora acuta), which was analyzed in full: JMP Excel supplemental data. Dive not dive at TOHA02 (same day).

TOHA03 (Sept. 12, 2013)-no sampled colonies

TOHA04 (Sept. 12, 2013)-no colonies sampled. No habitat shots were taken of site TOHA05 (also surveyed on Sept. 12, 2013), nor were these images of the three corals samples from TOHA05 (colonies 7-9).
colony 7 (Pocillopora acuta): JMP Excel supplemental data
colony 8 (Pocillopora damicornis): JMP Excel supplemental data

colony 9: this sample was not processed due the DNA extraction having failed. Supplemental data can be found here.
TOHA06 (Sept. 13, 2013)
TOHA07 (Sept. 13, 2013)-no habitat shots. Three colonies sampled.
TOHA08 (Sept. 13 and Sept. 14, 2013)
TOHA08 sampled colonies (n=5)
TOHA09 (Sept. 14, 2013) sampled colonies (n=8). No habitat shots

TOHA10 (Sept. 14, 2013)

TOHA10 sampled colonies (n=3). Did not dive at TOHA11-12 (went to land instead).

TOHA13 (Sept. 15, 2013)
TOHA13 sampled colonies (n=2)
TOHA14 (Sept. 16, 2013)- one colony sampled: colony 31 (Pocillopora acuta; no picture). This sample was not analyzed in detail due to a failed RNA extraction: supplemen-tal data

TOHA15 (Sept. 16, 2013)

TOHA15 sampled colonies (n=4)

TOHA18 (Sept. 17, 2013)-did not dive at sites TOHA16-17

TOHA18- colony 36 (Pocillopora acuta). This sample was analyzed in full: JMP, Excel, Supplemental data

TOHA19 (Sept. 17, 2013)

TOHA19 sampled colonies (n=7)
TOHA21 (Sept. 18, 2013)-did not dive at TOHA20 (same day)

TOHA22 (Sept. 18, 2013)

TOHA24 (Sept. 19, 2013)-forgot to take camera to site TOHA23 (Sept. 18, 2013), where five colonies were sampled: colony 44 (P. acuta; analyzed in full: JMP, Excel, supplemental data
colony 45 (P. acuta; analyzed in full: JMP, Excel, supplemental data
colony 46 (P. acuta; analyzed in full: JMP, Excel, supplemental data)
colony 47 (P. acuta; analyzed in full: JMP, Excel, supplemental data
colony 48 (P. acuta; analyzed in detail: JMP, Excel, supplemental data)

TOHA25 (Sept. 19, 2013)
TOHA26 (Sept. 19, 2013)
TOHA26 sampled colonies (n=3)

TOHA27 (Sept. 20, 2013)-no P. damicornis present

TOHA28 (Sept. 20, 2013)

TOHA28 sampled colonies (n=3)

TOHA29 (Sept. 20, 2013)-no P. damicornis present