Fifteen sites were dived in the Salomon Islands (not to be confused with the Solomon Islands). Those dived on 2015-04-22 (BiSa84-85), 04-23 (BiSa88), 04-24 (BiSa91), and 04-25 (BiSa92-94) have been included on this page (n=7 sites), with those surveyed+sampled on 04-26 (BiSa97-98), 04-28 (BiSa102), 04-29 (BiSa103-106), and 04-30 (BiSa107) included below.
BiSa97 (2015-04-26) Six P. acuta/damicornis (ChPd135-140) and three Seriatopora spp. colonies (ChSe143-145) were sampled from this leeward channel patch reef.

BiSa98 (2015-04-26) did not dive
BiSa102 (2015-04-28) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this forereef site; other pocilloporids were instead sampled for a collaborator.

BiSa103 (2015-04-29) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this forereef site; other pocilloporids were instead sampled for a collaborator.

BiSa104 (2015-04-29) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this forereef site; other pocilloporids were instead sampled for a collaborator. BLEACHING! Noooooooo.

BiSa105 (2015-04-29) Eight P. acuta/damicornis (ChPd142-149) and three Seriatopora spp. (ChSe150-152) were sampled from this leeward lagoonal patch reef.

BiSa106 (2015-04-29) did not dive at this barrier forereef
BiSa107 (2015-04-30) This was a fun dive in which we did not collect. That being said, neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this forereef site.
Top five sunset of my life (April 30, 2015)