In the eastern half of the country (sites SoUt32-SoTi69), 60 Pocillopora spp. colonies were sampled (SoPd66-125). Unfortunately, I temporarily lost samples SoPd118-125 and so nucleic acids were never extracted from them. I have since found these samples, so I hope to analyze them in the future.
UTUPUA (“Ut;” 2015-11-10 to 11-13) For high-resolution habitat maps, see
2014-11-10 (SoUt32-34)
SoUt32: sampled three Pocillopora spp. (SoPd66-68) & three Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe99-101)

SoUt33: night dive site. Tagged eight Pocillopora sp. colonies (SoPd69-76) and sampled during both day and night. Despite its P. acuta-like appearance, SoPd72 was genotyped as P. brevicornis. Did not sample Seriatopora spp.

SoUt34: did not dive on account of setting up for night dive.
2014-11-11 (SoUt35-37)
SoUt35: Only four Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe102-105) were sampled at this site due to ripping currents. No Pocillopora spp. were sampled.
SoUt36: Three Pocillopora spp. (SoPd77-78=P. acuta and SoPd79=P. brevicornis) and two Seriatopora spp. (SoSe106-107) were sampled.
SoUt37: Sampled two P. acuta (SoPd80-81) and three Seriatopora spp. (SoSe108-110) colonies.

2014-11-12 (two dives only)
SoUt38: Neither P. acuta/P. damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this site.
SoUt39: Two P. acuta (SoPd82-83) and four Seriatopora spp. (SoSe111-115) colonies were sampled from this site.

2014-11-13 (SoUt40-42)
SoUt40: Neither P. acuta/P. damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this site.
SoUt41: Four P. acuta (SoPd 84-87) and eight Seriatopora spp. (SoSe116-123) were sampled from this site.
SoUt42: did not dive.
VANIKORO (“Va;” 2015-11-14 to 10-16) For high-resolution habitat maps, see
2014-11-14 (SoVa43-45)
SoV43: sampled two P. acuta (SoPd88-89) and five Seriatopora spp. (SoSe124-128) colonies.

SoVa44: sampled two P. acuta (SoPd90-91) and four Seriatopora spp. (SoSe129-132) colonies.

SoVa45: sampled three P. acuta (SoPd92-94) and two Seriatopora spp. (SoSe133-134) colonies.

2014-11-15 (SoVa46-48)
SoVa46: Seriatopora spp. were not observed at this site. Two Pocillopora spp. colonies (SoPd95 and 96) were sampled (genotyped as P. brevicornis and P. damicornis, respectively).

SoVa47: sampled three P. acuta (SoPd97-99) and eight Seriatopora spp. (SoSe135-142) colonies.

SoVa48: sampled one Pocillopora sp. (SoPd100; not genotyped) and five Seriatopora spp. (SoSe143-147) colonies.

2014-11-15: did not dive at sites SoVa49-51.
Instead returned to SoVa47 for two additional dives since there were so many Pocillopora spp. colonies there displaying aberrant coloration (SoPd101-104). Only sampled one Seriatopora sp. colony (SoSe148) during the latter of these two dives (SoVa47-round 3).

REEF ISLANDS (“Ri;” 2014-11-17 to 11-21) For high-resolution habitat maps, see
2014-11-17 (SoRi52-54)
SoRi52: sampled one P. acuta (SoPd105) and 10 Seriatopora spp. (SoSe149-158) colonies.

SoRi53: night dive site. Tagged and sampled five P. acuta colonies (SoPd106-110) in both the day and night. Also sampled four Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe159-162).

SoRi54: did not dive on account of setting up for night dive.
Reef Islands day 2: 2014-11-18 (SoRi55-57)
SoRi55: Only sampled Seriatopora spp. (SoSe163-169) at this site.
SoRi56: sampled one P. acuta (SoPd111) and two Seriatopora spp. (SoSe170-171) colonies.

SoRi57: only sampled P. acuta (SoPd112-114) at this site.

Reef Islands day 3: 2014-11-19 (SoRi58-60)
SoRi58: sampled three P. acuta (SoPd115-117) and five Seriatopora spp. (SoSe172-176) colonies.

SoRi59: sampled one Pocillopora sp. (SoPd118; not processed) and six Seriatopora spp. (SoSe177-182) colonies.

SoRi60: sampled three Pocillopora spp. colonies (SoPd119-121) only. These samples got mixed up in the Palau samples box and so were never extracted, but I hope to get to them in the future. For these samples, as well as SoPd101-104, SoPd113-115, and SoPd117-119, I sampled both a normally pigmented biopsy and an abnormally pigmented one (bleached, in some cases) from the same colony to look at intra-colony differences.

Reef Islands day 4: 2014-11-20 (SoRi61-63 and SoRi56-round 2)
SoRi61-62: did not dive. Instead, I returned to site SoRi56 to sample more Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=7: SoSe183-189).
SoRi63: sampled one Pocillopora sp. (SoPd122; never processed) and two Seriatopora spp. (SoSe190-191) colonies.

Reef Islands day 5: 2014-11-21 (SoRi64-66)
SoRi64: neither P. acuta nor P. damicornis present; only sampled Seriatopora spp. (SoSe192-193).
SoRi65: only sampled one Seriatopora sp. colony (SoSe194) on account of strong currents.
SoRi66: sampled two Pocillopora spp. (SoPd123-124; neither processed) and six Seriatopora spp. (SoSe195-200) colonies.
TINAKULA (“Ti;” 2014-11-22) For high-resolution habitat maps, see Seriatopora spp. were not present at Tinakula Volcano.
SoTi67: Only one Pocillopora sp. observed and sampled (SoPd125; not processed).

SoTi68: Neither P. acuta/P. damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. observed.
SoTi69: Neither P. acuta/P. damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. observed.