Two days (2015-1-16 to 2015-1-17) were spent surveying and sampling the reefs of Peleliu, which is also a beautiful island to explore ABOVE the water (if I can find my pictures….).

Sites PaP118-23 (6 sites around Peleliu). The Living Oceans Foundation will ideally publish our high-resolution habitat maps (here) at some point.
PaPl18: first dive at Peleliu (“Olngenaol;” a leeward barrier forereef)-these are some of the most beautiful coral shots I’ve ever taken (nothing to do with my photography & everything to do with the environment). I deliberately over-saturated most of them to try to bring all the colors back, but still…..
PaPl18 sampled P. acuta colonies (n=2; PaPd34-35)

PaPd34-meta data
PaPd34-health data

Two biopsies were extracted; only PaPd35.2 was analyzed in detail. Note that the completely bleached portion of the colony was analyzed, yet the CHI is slightly above average.
PaPd35.1-PaPd35.2: meta data
PaPd35.2: health data

PaPl18 sampled Seriatopora sp. colony (PaSe47)
PaPl19 (2015-1-16; leeward barrier forereef south of German Channel). Did not dive at site PaPl20 (Dmasech; 2015-1-16) due to my dive buddy’s tank malfunction.
PaPl19 sampled P. acuta colonies (n=2; PaPd36-37)

PaPd36: meta data
PaPd36: health data (INCOMPLETE; missing RNA analyses)

PaPd37.1-37.2: meta data
PaPd37: health data (only biopsy PaPd37.2 was analyzed in full)

PaPl19 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=4; PaSe48-51)
PaBC21-Blue Corner (2015-1-17): while spectacular, I tend to think this uber-famous windward barrier forereef site is over-rated. P. acuta was not present there.
PaBc21 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=6; PaSe52-57)
PaBc22 (Desomel, near Blue Corner) windward barrier forereef
PaBc22 sampled P. acuta colonies (n=3; PaPd38-40)

PaPd38: meta data
PaPd38: health data

PaPd39: meta data
PaPd39: health data

PaPd40: meta data
PaPd40: health data

PaBc22 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=2; PaSe58-59)
PaCg23 (2015-1-17; “Coral Gardens”) channel patch reef
PaCg23 sampled P. acuta colonies (n=3; PaPd41-43)

PaPd41: meta data
PaPd41: health data

PaPd42: meta data
PaPd42: health data (incomplete; missing RNA data)

PaPd43: meta data
PaPd43: health data

PaCg23 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=2; PaSe60-61)