To read a description of the reefs of Tubuai, please see the field report, as well as Mayfield et al. (2015, Platax). For information on the sampled colonies (n=18), please see the latter manuscript, as well as Mayfield et al. (2016). For more information on the reefs of Raivavae and Tubuai, check out this blog. The most useful resource, as for other islands, may be this page:, where high-resolution maps featuring a variety of GIS data layers can be found (see inset to the right).
Low-resolution map of Tubuai. Please go here for high-resolution habitat maps.
When thumbnails of the sampled colonies have been presented, click on the image to be taken to a web link featuring the native, high-resolution image (or email me, and I can send you the original Jpeg). For samples analyzed in detail, data files (JMP and Excel) can be accessed by clicking on the hyperlinks. Also, when the sample was genotyped, click on the word "genotype" in the caption to be taken to the NCBI web page featuring the sequence (and details pertaining to it).
(Apr. 14, 2013)
AUTB09 colonies (n=4)

AUTB10 (second site at Tubuai, Apr. 14, 2013)

AUTB10 colonies (n=3)
AUTB11 colonies (n=5)

AUTB12 (April 15, 2013)

AUTB12 colonies (n=2)
AUTB13 (April 15, 2013)

AUTB13 colonies (n=3)
AUTB15 (April 16, 2013; no site pictures; n=1 colony sampled)
AUTB16 (April 16, 2013)

AUTB17 (April 16, 2013; no colonies collected)