One day (2015-1-12) was spent surveying and sampling the reefs of the Uchelbeluu and Rebotel region, which are located on opposite sides of the main island chain.

Sites PaUc07-08 can be found to the map’s right (east). Rebotel Reef (see next image) is located to the west of Pincher Reef. High-resolution habitat maps will be available on the Living Oceans Foundation’s world reef map website in late 2019.

Sites PaUc07-08 can be found to the map’s right (east). Rebotel Reef (see next image.) is located to the west of Pincher Reef. High-resolution habitat maps will eventually be available on the Living Oceans Foundation’s world reef map website.

Rebotel Reef (PaRe09). Please note that GPS coordinates for all sites can be found on the “Palau overview” page.

Rebotel Reef (PaRe09). Please note that GPS coordinates for all sites can be found on the “Palau overview” page.

PaUc07 (2015-1-12) windward barrier forereef

PaUc07 sampled P. acuta colony (PaPd15)

PaUc07 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=5; PaSe02-06)

PaUc08-no Pocillopora acuta or Seriatopora spp. present at this windward barrier forereef site.

PaRe09-both Pocillopora acuta and Seriatopora spp. were sampled from this lagoonal patch reef.

PaRb09 sampled Pocillopora acuta colonies (n=2; PaPd16-17)

PaRb09 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=6; PaSe07-12)