Because we surveyed the Three Brothers region so extensively, I am breaking up the pages by day: 2015-03-17 through 03-20 (sites BiTb27 to BiTb37), 2015-03-21 through 03-24 (sites BiTb38-BiTb49; this page), and 03-25 to 03-28 (BiCc50 to BiTb58).
BiTb38 (2015-03-21) Both P. acuta (ChPa34) and Seriatopora spp. (ChSe17-22; n=6) colonies were sampled from this leeward fringing reef.

BiTb38 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=6; ChSe17-22)

BiTb39 (2015-03-21) Two P. acuta/damicornis colonies (ChPd35-36) were sampled at this windward fringing reef. Neither colony was genotyped (yet).

BiTb39 sampled P. acuta/damicornis colonies (ChPd35-36)

BiTb40 (2015-03-21) Neither P. acuta nor P. damicornis were observed at this windward fringing reef; instead, seven Seriatopora spp. colonies (ChSe23-29) were sampled. There are no images of the latter two colonies (ChSe28-29).

BiTb40.5 (2015-03-21) A fourth dive to a lagoonal patch reef to hunt for more P. acuta (ChPa37-43) and Seriatopora spp. (ChSe30-34).

BiTb40.5 sampled P. acuta/damicornis colonies (ChPa37-43; n=7). Please note that ChPd40 was not genotyped (likely P. acuta).

BiTb41 (2015-03-22) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this windward, submerged bank; other pocilloporids were instead sampled for a collaborator.

BiTb42 (2015-03-22) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this windward, submerged bank; other pocilloporids were instead sampled for a collaborator.

BiTb43 (2015-03-22) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this windward, submerged bank; other pocilloporids were instead sampled for a collaborator.

BiTb44 (2015-3-23) Although P. acuta/damicornis were not present at this leeward, submerged bank reef, two Seriatopora spp. were observed and sampled (ChSe35-36).

BiTb45 (2015-03-22) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this windward, submerged bank; other pocilloporids were instead sampled for a collaborator.

BiTb46 (2015-3-23) Although P. acuta/damicornis were not present at this leeward, submerged bank reef, two Seriatopora spp. were observed and sampled (ChSe37-38).

BiTb47 (2015-03-24) Both P. acuta/damicornis (ChPd44-45) and Seriatopora spp. (ChSe39-41) were observed at, and sampled from, this lagoonal patch reef site. Very few habitat and coral colony shots were taken due to camera fogging issues.

BiTb48 (2015-03-24) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this lagoonal patch reef; other pocilloporids were instead sampled for a collaborator. Did not take habitat photos
BiTb49 (2015-03-24) I did not dive at this leeward lagoonal patch reef site.