The southeastern corner of New Caledonia. Ile des Pins may actually be the most beautiful island I have ever seen. 

Pins_SCUBAsurvey modified.jpg

Better-quality site images can be found on my Adobe Portfolio.

NCPI01 (Dec. 28, 2013)

NCPI01 sampled colonies (n=9). No pictures were taken of NC2, a P. damicornis sample analyzed in full (day-time only): JMP, Excel, supplemen-tal data.

 NCPI02 (Dec. 28, 2013). No pictures were taken at NCPI03.

NCPI02 sampled colonies (n=2)

NCPI04 (Oct. 29, 2013)

NCPI04 sampled colonies (n=6)

NCPI05 (Oct. 29, 2013)

NCPI05 sampled colonies (n=2). Did not dive at NCPI06 (Oct. 29, 2013) or NCPI07-09 (Oct. 30, 2013)

Pins night dive 1 (Oct. 30, 2012)-sampled colonies (n=10; day time pictures)

Topside view of first night dive

Pins night dive 1 sampled colonies-night photos (n=10 colonies)

NCNE10 (Neulka, nearby Iles de Pins; 10-31-13) Six colonies were sampled at this site, but, for some reason, I did not post their pictures (where are buried away in an Aperture file on an external hard drive). Here are the data:

colony 30 (Pocillopora damicornis genotype alpha): JMP, Excel, supplemental data

colony 31 (Pocillopora damicornis genotype alpha): JMP, Excel, supplemental data

colony 32 (Pocillopora damicornis genotype alpha): JMP, Excel, supplemental data

colony 33-nucleic acids were not extracted from this sample. supplemental data

colony 34-outlier (Pocillopora damicornis genotype alpha): JMP, Excel, supplemental data

colony 35 (Pocillopora damicornis genotype alpha): JMP, Excel, supplemental data

NCNE11 (Oct. 31, 2013) One colony was sampled, though the picture was not posted (potentially lost): colony 36 (Pocillopora damicornis genotype alpha)-JMP, Excel, supplemen-tal data

NCPI14 (Nov. 1, 2013)

Did not dive at NCNE12-NCNE13 (same day)

NCPI15 (Nov. 1, 2013)-did not dive at NCPI16

Iles de Pins night dive 2 (Nov. 1, 2013)-day time samples (n=10)

Iles de Pins night dive 2 (Nov. 1, 2013)-night time samples (n=10)

Iles de Pins night dive site 3 (Nov. 2, 2013)-did not dive at NCPI17-19

Iles de Pins night dive 3 sampled colonies (n=9)-day time photos

Iles de Pins night dive 3 sampled colonies-night (n=9)

NCPI20 (Nov. 3, 2013)-did not collect

NCPI21 (Nov. 3, 2013)-no colonies sampled