Three days were spent surveying and sampling the reefs of Eagle Island (“Ea;” 2015-03-14 to 2015-03-17; BiEa17-26). Neither P. acuta nor P. damicornis were observed here, and Seriatopora spp. were only observed at (& sampled from) one site: BiEa19. Another site to the far east (BiEa52) was visited later in the mission (2015-03-25).

Coming up after a dusk dive.

Coming up after a dusk dive.

BiEa17 (2015-03-14) P. acuta, P. damicornis, and Seriatopora spp. not present; instead sampled other pocilloporids for collaborators. Lost all but one photo.

BiEa18 (2015-03-15) P. acuta, P. damicornis, and Seriatopora spp. were not present; instead sampled other pocilloporids for collaborators.

BiEa19 (2015-03-15) Three Seriatopora spp. colonies (ChSe03-05) were sampled from this submerged bank reef site.

BiEa20 (2015-03-15) P. acuta, P. damicornis, and Seriatopora spp. were not present; instead sampled other pocilloporids for collaborators.

BiEa21 (2015-03-15) did not dive

BiEa22 (2015-03-16) P. acuta, P. damicornis, and Seriatopora spp. were not present; instead sampled other pocilloporids for collaborators.

BiEa23 (2015-03-16) P. acuta, P. damicornis, and Seriatopora spp. were not present; instead sampled other pocilloporids for collaborators.

BiEa24 (2015-03-06) P. acuta, P. damicornis, and Seriatopora spp. were not present; instead sampled other pocilloporids for collaborators.

BiEa24.5 (2015-03-16) Went hunting for P. acuta/P. damicornis but with no luck. Other pocilloporids plentiful (did not sample).

BiEa25 (2015-03-17) P. acuta, P. damicornis, and Seriatopora spp. were not present; instead sampled other pocilloporids for collaborators.

BiEa26 (2015-03-17) P. acuta, P. damicornis, and Seriatopora spp. were not present; instead sampled other pocilloporids for collaborators.