Moala-the third island visited during the June 2013 Living Ocean Foundation's expedition to the Lau Archipelago. Please note that no pictures were taken of the first reef surveyed (FJML15 on June 8, 2013) due to horrible diving conditions. Click on hyperlinks overlaid onto images of sampled coral colonies to 1) download data or 2) visit the NCBI webpage hosting the mitochondrial open reading frame sequence of the coral host.
FJML16 (June 8, 2013)
Colony 31 from FJML16. Nucleic acids were not extracted from this sample. Other colony data can be found here.
FJML17 (June 8, 2013)

FJML17 sampled colonies (n=5)

FJML18 (June 9, 2013)

FJML18 sampled colonies (n=5)

FJML19 (June 9, 2013)

FJML19 sampled colonies (n=2)

FJML20 (June 9, 2013)

Colony 44 from FJML20 (Pocillopora acuta). Sample was analyzed in full: JMP Excel Ancillary data
FJML21 (June 10, 2013)

FJML21 sampled colonies (n=3)

FJML22 (June 10, 2013)-no colonies sampled

FJML23 (June 10, 2013)-no colonies sampled