Several days were spent surveying the northwestern barrier reefs off of the main island of Babeltheop. I have divided them into “Northwest (southern)” (this page: sites Pa27-32, 51, 73, & 83-84; n=9 sites), “Northwest (central)” (sites Pa33, 36-38, 42-44, 46-50, 52-53, 72, & 74-75; n=17 sites), and “Far north” (sites Pa39-Pa39-41, 45, 60-65, 69-71, 76-78, & 81-82; n=18 sites). Velasco Reef and Kayengall Atoll each has its own page.  

I realize you can’t make out all the site codes and locations from this map. It’s just to give you an idea of how I divided up the images and data across different website pages. The major landmass is Babeltheop Island (spelled myriad different ways…

I realize you can’t make out all the site codes and locations from this map. It’s just to give you an idea of how I divided up the images and data across different web pages. The major landmass is Babeltheop Island (spelled myriad different ways).

These seven sites will be featured on this page. Please note that sites 51, 73, and 83-84 were visited several days after the the former six (when we looped back down from Velasco Reef).PaCp27 (Crocodile Point; 2015-1-19)

These seven sites will be featured on this page. Please note that sites 51, 73, and 83-84 were visited several days after the the former six (when we looped back down from Velasco Reef).

PaCp27 (Crocodile Point; 2015-1-19)

PaCp27 sampled P. acuta colonies (n=2; PaPd46-47)

PaCp27 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=3; PaSe64-66)

PaWb28 (2015-1-19; western barrier reef) leeward barrier forereef

PaWb28-P. acuta was not present at this site, but Seriatopora spp. was, and four colonies were sampled (PaSe67-70).

PaWp29 (2015-1-19; “Western passage;” PaWb29 [“western barrier”] in the map above) leeward barrier forereef

PaWp29 sampled P. acuta colony (PaPd48)

PaWp29 sampled Seriatopora sp. colony (PaSe71)

PaBb30 (2015-1-20; Bb=Babeltheop Island) windward barrier forereef

PaBb30 sampled P. acuta colony (PaPd49)

PaBb30 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=6; PaSe73-78)

PaBb31 (night dive site=lagoonal patch reef) This reef was dived four times across three days (2015-1-19 to 1-21). On account of doing these repetitive dives, I did not dive at sites 34 (PaAi34) and 35. Here are the images from the first dive there on 2015-1-19:

PaBb31 sampled seriatoporid colonies over dives 1 (2015-1-19) and 2 (2015-1-20); n=2 (PaSe72 & PaSe79)

PaBb31-dive 2 (2015-1-20)

PaBb31-dive 3 (2015-1-21) sampled P. acuta colonies (n=9; PaPd53-61). These colonies were sampled during both day and night, though I only took pictures during the day. The photos of PaPd54 (CHI=3.8/5; above average) were lost, so the data are here:

PaPd54 meta-data (light+dark biopsies)

PaPd54 health data (light+dark biopsies)

PaBb32 (2015-1-20) leeward barrier forereef

PaBb32 sampled P. acuta colonies (n=2; PaPd50-51)

PaBb32 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=4; PaSe80-83)

PaBb51 (2015-1-27; note that this lagoonal patch reef was visited later in the mission.)

PaBb51 sampled P. acuta colonies (n=3; PaPd97-99). Please note that the bleached/fluorescing portion (1%) of an overall healthy colony (99%) was sampled in the case of PaPd98, and colony PaPd99 was nearly entirely bleached.

PaBb51 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=4; PaSe125-128)

PaAw73 (2015-2-4) P. acuta was present, but I focused instead on seriatoporids at this leeward barrier forereef.

PaAw73 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=5; PaSe179-183)

PaAw83 (2015-2-8) Seriatopora spp. was not present at this lagoonal patch reef.

PaAw83 sampled pocilloporid colonies (n=2; PaPd145-146)

PaAw84 (2015-2-8) Both Pocillopora spp. and Seriatopora spp. were present at this lagoonal patch reef.

PaAw84 sampled P. acuta colony (PaPd147)

PaAw84 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=5; PaSe206-210)

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