Ulong Reef (including world-famous Ulong Channel). Three days were spent diving the reefs of the Ulong region (2015-1-13 to 1-15). Although beautiful for sure, many of Palau’s reefs are being completely engulfed by cyanobacteria, making me concerned for their future. *If high-resolution images do not load immediately, keep refreshing the page and they eventually will!

Exact GPS coordinates can be found in the data files posted on “Palau overview.” High-resolution habitat maps will be available on the Living Oceans Foundation’s world reef map website at a later date.
PaUl10-Ulong reef (southern region)-Pocillopora acuta was present, albeit rare, though I focused on sampling seriatoporids at this leeward barrier forereef (scroll below for images).
PaUl10 Seriatopora spp. samples (n=11; PaSe13-23)

PaUl11 (Ulong back reef)-first night dive site of the trip; P. acuta colonies were tagged and then sampled in both day and night. Did not dive at PaUl12 on account of setting up night dive station.
PaUl11 night dive P. acuta samples (n=8 colonies sampled during both day & night; PaPd18-25). Normally, I also took pictures of the colonies at night, though not so for this site. For each colony, there are four files: a 1) meta-data and 2) health data file for the colony sampled during the day and a 3) meta-data and 4) health data file for the same colony sampled at night. The coral health index (CHI) scales from 0 (dead) to 5 (immortal). The pictures of PaPd24 (CHI=1.6/5; stressed) were lost so the data are here:
PaPd24-light: meta-data, PaPd24-light: health data
PaPd24-dark: meta-data, PaPd24-dark: health data

PaPd18-light: meta data
PaPd18-light: health data not analyzed
PaPd18-dark: meta data
PaPd18-dark: health data

![PaPd19 (CHI=1.4/5 [very stressed])](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/580e3c475016e191c523a0e2/1552584811092-BZK9N72SUTN6GBEW2FT2/P1131811.jpg)

PaPd25-light: meta data
PaPd25-light: health data
PaPd25-dark: meta data
PaPd25-dark: INCOMPLETE health data

![PaPd19 (CHI=1.4/5 [very stressed])](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/580e3c475016e191c523a0e2/1552584811092-BZK9N72SUTN6GBEW2FT2/P1131811.jpg)

PaUl11 Seriatopora colonies (three sampled in the day & one sampled at night, though none sampled at both times; PaSe24-27)
PaUl13-Ulong western barrier reef
PaUl13 sampled P. acuta colony: PaPd26 (CHI=TBD) meta data
PaUl13 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=5; PaSe28-32)
PaUl14 (windward barrier forereef)
PaUl14 sampled P. acuta colonies (n=2; PaPd27-28)

PaPd27: meta data
PaPd27: health data

PaPd28: meta data
PaPd28: health data

PaUl14 sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies (n=5; PaSe33-37)
PaUl15-Ulong’s leeward barrier forereef, one of the most beautiful dives in the country (no P. acuta or seriatoporids present, though)
PaUl16-Ulong Channel: both P. acuta and Seriatopora spp. were sampled.
PaUl16 sampled P. acuta colonies (n=3; PaPd29-31)

PaPd29: meta-data
PaPd29: health data

PaPd30: meta data
PaPd30: health data

PaPd31: meta data
PaPd31: health data

PaUl16 sampled seriatoporids (n=5; PaSe38-42)
PaUl17-south of Ulong Channel (a particularly gorgeous site)
PaUl17 sampled P. acuta colonies (n=2; PaPd32-33)

PaPd32-meta data
PaPd32-health data

PaPd33: meta data
PaPd33: health data

PaUl17 sampled seriatoporid colonies (n=4; PaSe43-46)