Please go here for the high-resolution maps.
To read a description of the reefs of Raivavae, please see the field report, as well as Mayfield et al. (2015, Platax). For information on the sampled colonies (n=18), please see the latter manuscript, as well as Mayfield et al. (2016). For more information on the reefs of Raivavae and Tubuai, check out this blog. For high-resolution maps overlaid with a variety of GIS and environmental data (see example to the right.), please see the newly completed KbSLOF maps page:
Low-resolution map of Raivavae, the first island I visited as part of the “Global Reef Expedition.”
None of the 18 samples colonies were found to be displaying aberrant behavior at the time of sampling based on analysis of nine molecular+physiological-scale response variables (ibid). For the sampled coral colonies for which only thumbnail images are presented, click on the image to be taken to a new webpage featuring a higher quality image that can be downloaded (i.e., NOT a thumbnail). This was my first time to ever use an underwater camera, so, if the images appear poorly white balanced or blurry, it is my fault (and not a result of compressing them down to thumbnail size). Hyperlinks to data files have been placed within images of the corals analyzed in detail.
misc. underwater Raivavae
AURV01 (Raivavae site 1) Apparently, I had not yet heard of white balancing in 2013.
AURV01 samples (n=1 colony)

AURV02 (no colonies sampled)
AURV03 colonies (n=2)(no pictures of site AURV03)
colony 2 (P. damicornis) from AURV03 (sample was not processed in detail)

colony 4 (P. damicornis) from AURV04

AURV06 (Apr. 12, 2013)-no habitat shots. Five colonies sampled .

AURV07 (Apr. 13, 2013)

AURV07 colonies (n=3)

AURV08 (Apr. 13, 2013)-no habitat shots. Six colonies sampled.