No pictures were taken at the first dive site of 2018-10-19: “Four Kings” (site 16)
Raja Ampat dive 17: Nudi Rock (2018-10-19)

Raja Ampat site 18-Little Juliet (2018-10-19)-The dive that killed by poor, beloved Olympus TG4
Raja Ampat site 19-Romeo night dive (2018-10-19); did not take camera.
Raja Ampat site 20-Shadow Reef round 2 (2018-10-20) I think my housing was fogging up, as the majority of the images appear blurry.

Raja Ampat site 21-Anchovy (2018-10-20) This time my backup camera’s housing was definitely fogging up.

Raja Ampat site 22-Two Tree Island (2018-10-20)

Pulau Misool area: one of the most jaw-droppingly beautiful places you were likely to come across.