For colonies of the first 31 sites (SoMu01-SoBp31), I have only posted a single image for each colony (PaPd01-65) upon which I am overlaying the respective data file(s). I sampled approximately 200 Seriatopora spp. and so will eventually post those images and data, as well. Colonies were not found to be demonstrating aberrant cellular behavior unless specifically noted (e.g., SoPd04).
MUNDA (“Mu;” 2015-10-29) For high-resolution habitat maps, see

GIZO (“Gz;” 2015-10-30 & 10-31) For high-resolution habitat maps, see

Gizo day 2 (2015-10-31)
SoGz07: Sampled three P. acuta (SoPd14-16) and three Seriatopora spp. (SoSe18-20) colonies.
SoGz08: Sampled three Pocillopora spp. (SoPd17-19) and one Seriatopora sp. (SoSe21) colony. Sample SoPd17 was genotyped as P. brevicornis, while all others from Gizo were P. acuta.
SoGz09: P. acuta was present but not sampled. Instead focused on Seriatopora spp. (SoSe22-28).

KEREHIKAPA (“Kp;” 2015-11-01) For high-resolution habitat maps, see
SoKp10: sampled both Pocillopora sp. (SoPd21) and Seriatopora spp. (SoSe29-35) colonies. Please note that SoPd20 was an inadvertently sampled Seriatopora spp. colony.
SoKp11: 1st night dive site of trip: sampled tagged P. acuta colonies (SoPd22-26) in both the day and night. Also sampled two Seriatopora spp. colonies at this site (SoSe36-37).
SoKp12: did not dive on account of setting up for night dive.

SIKOPO (“Si;” 2015-11-02)-see Kerehikapa map above. For high-resolution habitat maps, see
SoSi13: sampled three P. acuta (SoPd27-29) and four Seriatopora spp. (SoSe38-41) colonies.
SoSi14: P. damicornis and P. acuta likely present but did not sample; instead focused on Seriatopora spp. (SoSe42-46).
SoSi15: P. damicornis and P. acuta likely present but did not sample; instead focused on Seriatopora spp. (SoSe47-49).

MALAKOBI (“ML;” 2015-11-03 and 11-04) For high-resolution habitat maps, see
Malakobi day 1 (2015-11-03)
SoMl16: Seriatopora spp. were not present at this site; sampled Pocillopora spp. only (SoPd30-32).
SoMl17: second night dive site. Sampled both Pocillopora spp. (SoPd33-38, with all but the final [P. brevicornis] being P. acuta) and Seriatopora spp. (SoSe50-54) in day and night (albeit either day OR night for the latter genus [not both times]).
SoMl18: did not dive on account for setting up for night dive

NONO (“Nn;” 2015-11-05 & 11-06) For high-resolution habitat maps, see
Nono day 1 (2015-11-05)
SoNn22: sampled one P. brevicornis (SoPd44) and three Seriatopora spp. (SoSe64-66) colonies.
SoNn23: sampled one P. acuta (SoPd45) and two Seriatopora spp. (SoSe67-68) colonies.
SoNn24: sampled three Pocillopora spp. (SoPd46 [P. acuta], SoPd47 [P. brevicornis], and SoPd49 [P. damicornis]) and three Seriatopora spp. (SoSe69-71) colonies.

MAROVO (“Mo;” 2015-11-07) For high-resolution habitat maps, see

BULLY POINT (“Bp";” 2015-11-9) For high-resolution habitat maps, please see
One dive (SoBp31) was done off Lata Island (which looks like a rabbit to me) en route to the eastern half of the country. One P. acuta colony (SoPd65) and seven Seriatopora spp. (SoSe92-98) colonies were sampled.