We spent quite a bit of time at Peros Banhos (yes, it does kind of sound like “dog bathroom”), so I have divided up the images and data as follows: 2015-04-14 and 15 (BiPb60-65; pre-bleaching), 2015-04-16 and 04-17 (BiPb66-71), 2015-04-18 and 04-19 (BiPb72-76; this page), and 2015-04-30 through 05-03 (post-bleaching; BiPb110-112, BIPb114, BiPb114b, and BiPb69c, 70b, 72b, and 74b [those sites with letter codes indicates ones visited earlier in April, i.e., those with pre- and post-bleaching data]).
BiPb72 (2015-04-18) This leeward back reef pinnacles site was visited before and after bleaching. Please go here for images of the latter visit. On the first dive, one P. acuta (ChPa103) and seven Seriatopora spp. (ChSe84-90) colonies were sampled.

BiPb73 (2015-04-18) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this leeward fringing reef; other pocilloporids were instead sampled for a collaborator.

BiPb74 (2015-04-18) Two P. acuta/damicornis (ChPd104-105) and two Seriatopora spp. (ChSe91-92) were sampled from this leeward lagoonal patch reef. This reef was one of those that was re-surveyed during the 2015 Chagos bleaching event (later in April).

BiPb75 (2015-04-19) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this windward fringing reef; other pocilloporids were instead sampled for a collaborator.

BiPb76 (2015-04-19) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this windward fringing reef; other pocilloporids were instead sampled for a collaborator.