Five days (2014-11-17 through 11-21) were spent surveying and sampling the reefs of the (aptly named) Reef Islands.

For images of the sampled Pocillopora spp. (SoPd105-124) and Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe149-200), click on the “Sampled Pocillopora spp. colonies: sites 32-69” and “Sampled Seriatopora spp. colonies: sites 32-69,” respectively. For high-resolution habitat maps, please go here.
SoRi52 (2014-11-17)
SoRi53 (2014-11-17) Did not dive at site SoRi54 on account of setting up for night dive.
SoRi55 (2014-11-18)
SoRi56 (2014-11-18)
SoRi57 (2014-11-18)
SoRi58 (2014-11-19)
SoRi59 (2014-11-19)
SoRi60 (2014-11-19)
SoRi56-round 2 (2014-11-20) On account of visiting this site a second time, I did not dive at SoRi61 and SoRi62.
SoRi63 (2014-11-20)
SoRi64 (2014-11-21)
SoRi65 (2014-11-21)
SoRi66 (2014-11-21)