I have given tons of presentations on all facets of tropical marine biology, though with a particular focus on coral reefs. Since Squarespace limits the file size to only 10-20 MB, I am instead providing links to my One Drive or iCloud clouds. I double-checked the links on 10-1-22, and I think you can now download all of them.
I also highly recommend the coral ecology reef curriculum developed by the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation.
1. Coral reef basics with a focus on Taiwan.
3. Coral reef basics and diagnostics.
4. A summary of my current research on coral health assessment & reef resilience predictive modeling (with audio).
5. A talk on data analysis tools for coral health assessment.
6. A talk on machine-learning and predicting coral reef fate (with audio so it’s 1.7 GB!).
7. The same talk as #6 except minus my annoying voice.
8. Here is a simpler talk I’ve given to high school students (coral reef ecology).
9. Here is a talk about the Living Oceans Foundation, as well as my work with them (field sampling techniques and data gathered while on our expeditions).
10. Here is a talk describing some of my first proteomics results (back in 2015!).
Data analysis talks
‘Omics data analysis (early 2023).
Using data science to optimize marine conservation (mid-2023).
2019-2020 presentations
11. This was my “welcome to NOAA” back in summer of 2019. In my humble opinion, it has some of my better slides.
12. A keynote talk on saving corals I was due to give at The International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) annual meeting in April 2020.
13. An Earth Day talk I gave for JMP on coral health and proteomics.
For educational photos to use in presentations, please see the "educational photos" folder. Truth be told, my coral reefs pictures are plastered all over the internet. Maybe I should have watermarked them. That being said, if you are to use them, I don't ask for money, just acknowledgement. I'd be happy to hear about how you are using them in your lectures, presentations, research, etc. I was happy to see that my photos were featured at the last Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium in Cebu, Philippines! Go to their website: half the pictures are mine (albeit uncredited)!
Here is an uncredited picture of mine, but, again, at least it should (in theory) be doing some good given the nature of the publication!