Coral Reef Diagnostics: next-generation environmental


Don’t let the name fool you; although Coral Reef Diagnostics is certainly a coral reef-focused enterprise, we are a full-fledged scientific consulting firm currently offering an array of tailored data science solutions to those working in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Email me!

We take a machine-learning (i.e., AI) approach for most of our projects.

Our services (non-exhaustive list)

Extracting RNA, DNA, and proteins from corals

Sampling a coral in Palau

  1. Evaluate and quantify environmental resilience to climate change and other stressors.

  2. Predict the impacts of the changing climate, construction projects, disease outbreaks, and such other phenomena on Earth’s diverse biomes.

  3. Diagnose animal health (e.g., assess stress levels, predict life expectancy, etc.). Send me a biopsy for lab analyses using customized stress assays.

  4. Devise optimal mitigation approach (e.g., improve function of degraded habitats, coral reef restoration).

  5. Prescribe optimal treatment for sick animals.

  6. Plan experiments & field trips.

  7. Design customized diagnostic tools.

  8. Undertake field expeditions and collect samples.

  9. Analyze data from experiments, field studies, and the clinic.

  10. Edit scientific articles via our partner company.

  11. Write competitive research proposals.

Our qualifications

We have over 20 years of experience in diagnosing the health of marine ecosystems, with the last few years focused on PREDICTION: where are Earth’s fragile ecosystems heading in this era of rapid environmental change and what can we do to help them? Read more about our qualifications in this introduction letter or scroll to the bottom of this page for an interactive demo.

Our Prices

Given our passion for the environment, it is our goal to keep costs low, and we can virtually guarantee our service prices will be the lowest you’ll find (~$10USD/hr for most projects). Please reach out to us at for a free quote on any service mentioned above. Alternatively, we encourage you to make a donation that will allow us to continue to keep costs low; all proceeds go directly to saving coral reefs. Coral Reef Diagnostics is a 501(c)3 non-profit registered in the State of Florida (go here for details.).

Treating a sick coral in Dominica.

Demo from the Solomon Islands: see how the coral health index (CHI) changes as you modify the nine environmental parameters. CHI ranges from 0 (dead) to 5 (immortal) and averages 2.5. See if you can find where the resilient corals are likely to be!