Ngerur Island (PaNg03): only one dive was made off this island (a lagoonal patch reef near Palau’s famous “Rock Islands”). Although Seriatopora spp. were not present at this reef, P. acuta was, and one colony was sampled (scroll down for its image and associated data.).  

High-resolution habitat maps will be available on the Living Oceans Foundation’s world reef map website in late 2019. As evident from the first picture below, pH, temperature, and light loggers were deployed at this site for a number of days.

High-resolution habitat maps will be available on the Living Oceans Foundation’s world reef map website later. As evident from the first picture below, pH, temperature, and light loggers were deployed at this site for a number of days.

Only one P. acuta colony was sampled at PaNg03: PaPd07 (click here for sample meta-data, though note that this biopsy has not yet been processed.).