Fulaga- the fourth island visited during the Living Ocean Foundation's June 2013 mission to Fiji's Lau Archipelago.
Two days were spent surveying Fulaga's gorgeous reefs.
FJFL24 (June 11, 2013)

Colony 48 from FJFL24 (Pocillopora damicornis genotype alpha). This sample was analyzed in full: JMP Excel Ancillary data
FJFL25 (June 11, 2013)

FJFL25 sampled colonies (n=4)
Did not dive at FJFL26 or 28. Only took video at FJFL27, though sampled one colony: #53. No nucleic acids were extracted from this colony; other colony data can be found here.

FJFL29 (June 12, 2013)-we almost sunk the dive boat entering the lagoon!