Three reefs were surveyed in the Rock Island region known locally as “Ngeruktabel” after one of the larger islands. Seriatopora spp. were not present around this island.

High-resolution habitat maps will be available on the Living Oceans Foundation’s world reef map website in late 2019.

High-resolution habitat maps will be available on the Living Oceans Foundation’s world reef map website at some point.

PaNg04 (2015-1-11) lagoonal fringing reef

PaNg04 Pocillopora acuta samples (n=3)

PaNg05 (2015-1-11): Two pocilloporid corals (both P. acuta; PaPd11-12) were sampled from this lagoonal patch reef.

PaNg05 sampled P. acuta colonies (n=2)

PaNg06 (2015-1-11) lagoonal fringing reef

PaNg06 sampled pocilloporid (n=2 biopsies from one colony; PaPd13=bleached portion of colony & PaPd14=pigmented portion of same colony)