Coral health diagnostics services

Here at Coral Reef Diagnostics, we offer an array of molecular diagnostic services to meet your coral health monitoring needs. We generally take a “multi-‘omic” approach by which we use a highly optimized, coral-tailored protocol to analyze mRNAs, DNAs, proteins, lipids, and/or polar metabolites from the coral host, their endosymbiotic dinoflagellate populations, and the diverse array of other microbes associated with the coral “holobiont.”

We use these data to calculate a “coral health index” (CHI), a proxy for the environmental resilience and overall lifespan of your target coral. Read on for details, or simply email me at for a quote and sample submission form.


Using the protocol depicted below, we can gather an immense amount of information on the health of your target coral, using only ~50 mg of starting material; in many cases this is only a single coral polyp (or even a single larva).

Coral Reef Diagnostics

If you are instead wanting predictions about your entire reef system, please go here.

Interested in tapping into the power of industry? Check out this document I worked on while at CORDAP.