Samples SoSe01-SoSe98 (out of 200 total collected in the Solomon Islands).
This was the first mission in which I sampled Seriatopora spp. in addition to P. acuta/P. damicornis. The main purpose is for genetic analyses; for this reason, biopsies were stored in alcohol or DESS, making them useful for functional (RNA or protein) work. Once we reached Palau (the next mission), though, I did begin to store samples in “functional” buffers than preserve (to some degree) RNA and protein integrity (e.g., TRIzol or RNALater, which, as we all know, never works well). For maps of the habitats from which these samples were collected, please see the respective links for the various island groups on the left. As of April 2019, these samples have not been analyzed (sadly), and they appear to represent a mix of S. hystrix, S. caliendrum, S. aculeata, and others.
MUNDA (2014-10-29)
SoMu01: Seriatopora spp. not present.
SoMu02: Three Seriatopora spp. colonies were sampled (SoSe01-03).

SoMu03: Three Seriatopora spp. colonies were sampled (SoSe04-06).

GIZO (2014-10-30 and 10-31)
SoGz04: Seriatopora spp. not present.
SoGz05: One Seriatopora sp. (likely S. caliendrum) sampled (SoSe07).
SoGz06: Sampled 10 Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe08-17).

SoGz07: Sampled three Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe18-20)

SoGz08: Sampled one Seriatopora sp. (likely S. caliendrum) colony (SoSe21)
SoGz09: Seven Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe22-28) were sampled from this site. Unfortunately, I cannot locate the pictures of SoSe25-28.

KEREHIKAPA and SIKOPO (2014-11-01 and 11-02)
SoKp10: Seven Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe29-35) were sampled from this site.

SoKp11: Two Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe36-37) were sampled.

SoKp12: did not dive on account of setting up for night dive.
SoSi13: Sampled four Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe38-41).

SoSi14: Five Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe42-46) were sampled from this site. I lost the photos of colony SoSe44.

SoSi15: Three Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe47-49) were sampled. The photos of the latter were lost.

MALAKOBI (2014-11-03 and 11-04)
SoMl16: Seriatopora spp. were not present.
SoMl17: Sampled three and two Seriatopora spp. colonies in the day (SoSe50-52) and night (SoSe53-54), respectively.

SoMl18: Did not dive on account of setting up for night dive.
SoMl19: Sampled five Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe55-59).

SoMl20: Sampled four Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe60-63).

SoMl21: did not dive
NONO LAGOON (2014-11-05 and 11-06)
SoNn22: Sampled three Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe64-66)

SoNn23: Two Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe67-68) were sampled.

SoNn24: Three Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe69-71) were sampled.

SoNn25: No seriatoporids present at this site.
SoNn26: Sampled eight Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe72-79) at this site.

SoNn27: Sampled four Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe80-83) at this site. I lost the photos of SoSe83.

MAROVO LAGOON (2014-11-07)
SoMo28: Five Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe84-88) were sampled at this site.

SoMo29: Two Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe89-90) were sampled at this site.

SoMo30: One S. hystrix colony (SoSe91) was sampled at this site.

LATA ISLAND (“Bully Point;” 2014-11-09)
SoBp31: Seven Seriatopora spp. colonies (SoSe92-98) were sampled at this site.