In April 2013 the Living Oceans Foundation visited 30 reef sites across five major islands/atolls within the Austral Islands of French Polynesia. Samples from the Cook Islands are typically found within the spreadsheets referenced below, as these islands were visited immediately after the Australs. Habitat shots of the majority of the reefs visited, as well as photos of all sampled colonies, can be found on the pages of the respective islands surveyed (i.e., Raivavae, Tubuai, Rurutu, Rimatara, & Maria [NOT Moorea]), For coral biopsies analyzed in detail, hyperlinks have been overlaid on the colony images to either take interested individuals to websites with more information (e.g., NCBI for DNA sequence information) or download pertinent data files (JMP &/or csv format). If you are interested in 1) histology cassettes, 2) RNAs, 3) DNAs, and/or 4) proteins from these samples, please email me, and I will make it happen. The DNAs and histology cassettes (only 20-30 samples of the 122 total colonies samples) will be easy to mail, though the RNAs and proteins may require a dry shipper.
Please go here for high-resolution habitat maps of the five islands/atolls surveyed in the Austral Islands: Raivavae, Tubui, Rurutu, Rimatara, and Maria.
Map showing the breakdown of the pocilloporid coral genotypes in the Austral Islands (right half of map) and Cook Islands (left half): P. damicornis (grey), P. acuta (white), P. meandrina (black), P. verrucosa (hatched), and Pocillopora species haplotype 8a (dotted). Please see Mayfield et al. (2015; Platax) for details.
1. For the Austral Islands field report, please click here. For shape files from our mapping work, click here.
2. For a summary of the environmental data, as well as information on the genotypes of the 60 pocilloporid corals sampled, please check out Mayfield et al. (2015, Platax; click here). Corals were collected and exported under a CITES permit, and nucleic acid extractions were carried out as described here.
3. For the GPS coordinates of the study sites, as well as site temperatures and salinities, please click here.
Maria Atoll
4. To see the coral cover data at different depth ranges for each site, please click here.
5. For the environmental and physiological data associated with each of the 60 samples, click here (first worksheet).
6. For the molecular data for these samples, please check out Mayfield et al. (2016, Platax). The gene expression data (the main focus of the manuscript) are here.
7. For a summary of all NCBI accession numbers for the genotyped colonies, click here.
8. For a list of all pocilloporid corals sampled as part of the Living Ocean Foundation's Global Reef Expedition, please click here.
9. To download the entire Apple Photos library of all images, click here. For those who don't use Apple, all images can also be accessed here. Or maybe you prefer Adobe Lightroom.
An overview of the Austral Islands+Cook Islands dataset. Red icons=P. acuta. Green icons=P. verrucosa. Black icons=P. damicornis. Orange icons=P. meandrina. Error bars in panel d represent standard error. What's going on with colony 88 from Rarotonga?
For those of you with JMP (a truly excellent statistical package), here are the JMP-formatted data files:
coral cover by depth. coral cover by site. Z-scores for the 45 samples with no missing data.
molecular physiological data sorted by depth. all coral sample data.
For the third manuscript (downloadable from here), I used this dataset.
I have also posted the dataset on JMP’s website to try to get a fresh perspective on it:
Click here for images of the fixed & decalcified coral tissues prior to embedding in paraffin.