Because we surveyed the Three Brothers region so extensively, I am breaking up the pages by day: 2015-03-17 through 03-20 (sites BiTb27 to BiTb37), 2015-03-21 through 03-24 (sites BiTb38-BiTb49), and 03-25 to 03-28 (BiCc50 to BiTb58; this page).
BiCc50 (“Cc”=Central Chagos; 2015-03-25) A lone P. damicornis colony (ChPd46) was sampled, as were three Seriatopora spp. colonies (ChSe42-44), at this leeward submerged bank reef.

BiCc51 (2015-03-25) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this leeward bank reef; instead, other pocilloporids were sampled for a collaborator.

BiTb52 (2015-03-25) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this leeward bank reef; instead, other pocilloporids were sampled for a collaborator.

BiTb53 (2015-03-26) Neither P. acuta nor P. damicornis were observed at this windward fringing reef; instead, a lone Seriatopora sp. (ChSe45) was sampled (as were other pocilloporids for a collaborator).

BiTb54 (2015-03-26) Both P. acuta (ChPa47) and Seriatopora spp. (ChSe46-47) were sampled from this windward fringing reef. This may have been my favorite dive of the trip.

BiTb55 (2015-03-26) Two P. damicornis colonies (ChPd48-49; the latter was not genotyped) were sampled from this windward fringing reef; Seriatopora spp. were not observed there. Note the mating octopus (a first for me).

It was my dad’s 61st birthday (2015-3-27), so I tried to honor it in hermit crab form.
BiTb56 (2015-03-27) Neither P. acuta/damicornis nor Seriatopora spp. were observed at this leeward bank reef; instead, other pocilloporids were sampled for a collaborator.

BiTb57a (2015-03-27) We dived this leeward channel reef three times because it was one of the most beautiful of the trip (which is saying a lot by Chagos’ high standards). One P. acuta (ChPa50) and three Seriatopora spp. (ChSe48-50) colonies were sampled on the first dive.

BiTb57b (2015-03-27) Our second dive at this lovely site. This time, three P. acuta (ChPa51-53) and four Seriatopora spp. (ChSe51-54) were sampled.

BiTb57c (2015-3-28) Three P. acuta (ChPa54-56) and four Seriatopora spp. (ChSe55-58) colonies were sampled at our third dive at this site.

BiTb58 (2015-03-28) Both P. acuta/damicornis (n=5; ChPd57-61) and Seriatopora spp. (n=3; ChSe59-61) were sampled at this site. No photos were taken on ChPd59, which was also not genotyped.