Don't let the gorgeous lagoon fool you into thinking you have found some pristine pacific paradise; under the waves the reefs of Aitutaki have been ravaged by crown of thorns seastars.
Four days were spent surveying the (mostly decimated) reefs of Aitutaki in late April 2013.

CIAT13 (Apr. 28, 2013)
CIAT13 colonies (n=3)

CIAT14 (Apr. 28, 2013) This site was destroyed by COTS. No corals available to sample.

CIAT15 (Apr. 29, 2013): another COTS-ravaged reef
CIAT15 sampled colony (n=1): colony 99. This Pocillopora acuta colony was not analyzed in full. Other colony data can be found here.
colony 99 (P. acuta) from site CIAT15
CIAT16 (Apr. 29, 2013)

CIAT16 sampled colonies (n=2)

CIAT17 (Apr. 30, 2013)

CIAT17 sampled colonies (n=2)

CIAT18 (Apr. 30, 2013)-another COTS-damaged reef
CIAT19 (Apr. 30). COTS clearly do not like Porites rus.

CIAT20 (May 1, 2013)
CIAT20 colonies (n=2)

CIAT21 (May 1, 2013)-no colonies were sampled.
CIAT22 (May 1, 2013)
colony 108 from CIAT22. Sample was not genotyped due to failed RNA/DNA extraction. Other colony data can be found here.