2024 field trips completed:
East Timor (Jan.-Feb). General benthic assessments.
Saudi Arabia Red Sea (currently analyzing data).
2023 field trips completed:
Bahrain area coral surveys (Sept.). Check back for details.
Thuwal area (Saudi Arabia) coral bleaching surveys (Sept.-Nov.).
Yanbu area (Saudi Arabia) coral bleaching surveys (Aug.-Oct.).
2023 fun trips:
Buffalo River (Arkansas) multi-day wilderness canoe trip.
Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates (stay tuned for pics).
2022 field trips completed:
1. Dominica (June-July, 2022)-marginal reefs and combatting a disease outbreak.
2. St. Lucia (June 2022)-disease surveys and reef resilience assessments.
3. Turks and Caicos (August 2022)-disease surveys and reef resilience assessments with Explorer Ventures.
4. Bahamas (New Providence; October, 2022)-disease surveys and reef resilience assessments.
2021 field trip completed: Dry Tortugas National Park (FL, USA), an NCRMP-sponsored trip aboard the R/V Angari.
2020 field trip: my lone dives in all of that dumpster fire that was 2020 were two fun dives in Barbados in January.
2019 field trips completed: St. Vincent and Grenadines (high-CO2 vent site) and Flower Garden Banks (Gulf of Mexico).
Future, back-burner field trips: Possible field trip to Nansha Atoll (South China Sea, Taiwan; funding acquired!) and/or Puerto Galera (Philippines).
Photo credit: Pei-Ciao Tang
Happy to have lended this photo to the International Coral Reef Initiative.