Welcome to the hub of all things Dr. Coral.
Something wrong with your corals? If so, take the survey below or check out our coral reef diagnostic and environmental consulting services.
Or simply email me at anderson@coralreefdiagnostics.com.
If you’re here to read about my coral reef research, check out this research overview page. My work incorporates field, experimental (aquarium), lab (molecular biology), and “big data” approaches to better understand Earth's coral reefs. This website seeks to not only provide a synopsis of my various research projects, but also serve as a data and image repository.
My goal is to leverage my background in coral molecular eco-physiology and analytics to develop science-driven coral reef conservation solutions.
One of my favorite places to dive: Raja Ampat
I am from Nashville, TN (USA), about as far from the ocean as you can get (~1,000 km, with the closest living coral reef even farther). Check out my C.V. I also use Orcid, Google Scholar, and Linkedin.
This was not a part of some master plan; I think my interests simply changed over time to where I wanted to study corals at ever-larger spatial scales!